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Piscine de 150 mètres de longPour nager dans le ciel A exactement 200 mètres du solA Singapour
Hotel Marina Bay Sands
Architecte Moshe Safdie
Hey!Nice to meet you!What do you do for a living?
The Strokes
Yes, Julian, one more time pleaseeeeeeeee!
Turzi / One switch to collision / Trinité WEEK
On http://unevideorocktouslesmatinscafaitdubien.com
Welcome to Captain Hard Rock GuntherA guy I know better under the name ClémensHe plays many instruments in many bands (all of the above)This coming week he does one more thing for youThe playlist of onevideorockinthemorningmakesyoufeelgood.com*Danke Clémens*temporary english translation of my blog's name untill i make up my mind http://www.myspace.com/oneswitchtocollision http://www.musictrinite.blogspot.com/ Retrouvez Clémens aussi http://www.myspace.com/hardrockgunther
Welcome to Captain Hard Rock Gunther
A guy I know better under the name Clémens
He plays many instruments in many bands (all of the above)
This coming week he does one more thing for you
The playlist of onevideorockinthemorningmakesyoufeelgood.com*
Danke Clémens
*temporary english translation of my blog's name untill i make up my mind
Retrouvez Clémens aussi http://www.myspace.com/hardrockgunther
The Strange Boys will play soon in Paris
Le nouveau Casino , 16 juillet
Et bien...! Qu'est ce qu'il se passe en Michel Vivien?
La réponse sur WOW MAGAZINE
Expo Dreamlands à voir absolument!
Jusqu'au 9 août au Centre Georges Pompidou
Le Chateaubriand
129 Avenue Parmentier
Paris - 01 43 57 45 95